An inglorious end, that, and german historian fest speer. Albert speer was an unemployed architect when hitler came to power in 1933. Hitler needed speers work, both as an architect, and an organizer, and speer needed to continue to be in hitlers favours, if he was not to descend after his meteoric rise. With treat williams, olivia burnette, glenn ford, ashley crow. Four were sentenced to terms of imprisonment ranging from 10 to 20 years. The final verdict, is a complex puzzle in modern history, the intelligent architect who became so emotionally and. Nora rogers, who grew up to become journalist and writer adela rogers st. Albert speer was adolf hitlers intimate and trusted friend. Significance to nazi party as architect albert speer. The final verdict, published in 2003, the late german author joachim c. Jan, 2019 an inglorious end, that, and german historian fest speer. As such, speer was a leading technocrat in a totalitarian state. But it was a different story when he was asked about. All content included on our site, such as text, images, digital downloads and other, is the property of its content suppliers and protected by us and international laws.
He appears at times to exonerate speer of direct complicity in the brutality unleashed by his revered. But even in this thoughtful biography the enigmatic speer finally resists the effort to arrive at a final verdict. An unemployed architect when hitler came to power in 1933, albert speer was soon designing the third reichs most important buildings. Payment may be made by personal check, money order, or paypal. In 1942 hitler appointed him armaments minister and he. Fest, author, ewald osers, translator, alexandra dring, translator, trans. Fests portrayal of albert speer remains problematic. Oct 06, 2002 albert speer, the subject of german scholar joachim fests new book, speer. Of all the moral cripples who marched into hell at hitlers. Throughout the thirties, the two met on an almost daily basis in berlin or. How much did albert speer know about hitlers evil policies. Albert speer, the subject of german scholar joachim fests new book, speer.
The final verdict by joachim fest in chm, doc, fb2 download ebook. Fests portrayal of speer is a product of the deep understanding he has of his subject. Whether youve loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. We use cookies and similar technologies to optimise your experience when using this site and to help tailor our digital advertising on third party sites. A close ally of adolf hitler, he was convicted at the nuremberg trials and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Fest included much interesting detail on young alberts early family life. A portrait of germanys world war ii armaments minister considers his rise from unemployed architect to designer of the third reichs most important buildings, personal relationship with hitler, and. Hitler and speer final meeting downfall scene youtube.
Joachim clemens fest 19262006 was a german historian, journalist, critic and editor, best known for his writings and public commentary on nazi germany, including an important biography of adolf hitler and books about albert speer and the german resistance to nazism. Search for library items search for lists search for contacts search for a library. It is a nice if somewhat redundant companion to speers pseudoautobiography inside the third reich. Hannah arendt was thinking of adolf eichmann when she coined the phrase the banality of evil, but those words were tailormade for. Albert speer, hitlers architect and armaments minister, was the most. The final verdict, by joachim fest, the author revisits his time with hilters favorite artist and wonders how speer got away with murder. After 216 court sessions, on october 1, 1946, the verdict was rendered. Speer served as hitlers chief architect, and during the second world war was germanys minister of armaments. It is a nice if somewhat redundant companion to speer s pseudoautobiography inside the third reich.
An unemployed architect when hitler came to power in 1933, albert speer was. Jan 08, 20 the candor and lies of nazi officer albert speer the minister of armaments was happy to tell his captors about the war machine he had built. John, had a unique view of the law practice of her celebrated and notorious father earl rogers, who was st the top of his profession at the turn of the 20th century this film is adapted from her 1962 biography of him, final verdict. The final verdict by joachim fest, paperback barnes. Joachim fest is the author of several widely respected books on nazi germany, including the face of the third reich. Speer was always an outsider in hitlers inner circle. The final verdict 2002, in which he criticised speer for his knowing complicity in the crimes of the nazi regime, something he successfully concealed at the time of the nuremberg trials. Following speer s release from prison in 1966, fest worked closely with him as the editor of his memoirs, inside the third reich and spandau. Joachim fest was born in 1926 and grew up in berlin in a family who were anti nazi. An unemployed architect when hitler came to power in 1933, he was soon. Last words by albert speer at the nuremberg trials with. On casual observation it would seem to be just another childhood memoir ho hum. This book belongs in any collection on the nazi era and should take its place with inside the third reich and fests biography hitler in all public and academic libraries. Albert speer, 1 one of hitlers closest confidants and minister of armaments in the third reich, who was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment at the nuremberg trial of german major war criminals, in an affidavit, sworn and signed at munich on 15th june 1977, deposed as follows.
Mar 01, 2014 on 31 august, the 260th day of trial, all defendants were allowed to hold a brief conclusion, that had not to be submitted to the court before. A thoughtful reassessment of albert speers role in the third reich. Fests book is essentially a biography of speer s time within the national socialist regime. An unemployed architect when hitler came to power in 1933, he was soon designing the third reichs most important buildings. Most facts are artfully exposed but, given speer, can anything be final. The final verdict, largely based on the notes fest took of his conversations with his subject, is likely to remain the definitive work. Fest concluded that speer, hitlers chief architect and later armaments minister who, like his master, saw himself as an artist. The candor and lies of nazi officer albert speer history. After speers death, amid controversy over the reliability of the memoirs, fest wrote speer. March 19, 1905 september 1, 1981 served as the minister of armaments and war production in nazi germany during most of world war ii. The result is a fascinating portrait of speer and his times. That seems a crazy idea, because the plans for the massive makeover of berlin were made in the early 40s when any sane person would have sent all available resources to the front.
The final verdict is a solid contribution to the speer catalog. After speer s death, amid controversy over the reliability of the memoirs, fest wrote speer. However, formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study. He saw himself as an artist, above the crass power struggles of the roughnecks around him, but his enormous ambition blinded him to the crimes in which he played a leading role. Sep 18, 2019 an unemployed architect when hitler came to power in 1933, he was soon designing the third reichs most important buildings. After all, i was entirely dependent on hitlers whim for achieving my ambitions. In 1942 hitler appointed him armaments minister and he quadrupled production, an astonishing achievement that kept the german army in the field and prolonged the war. Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books youve read. The final verdict has 4 available editions to buy at half price books marketplace same low prices, bigger selection, more fun. As albert speer is associated with adolf hitler, we usually think of him as the creator of the new german capital. Soon he was designing the third reichs most important buildings.
The only member of the nazi elite with whom hitler developed more than a purely functional relationship he has even been called hitlers unrequited love, speer was always an outsider in hitlers inner circle. Fests book is essentially a biography of speers time within the national socialist regime. The final verdict has 4 available editions to buy at half price books marketplace. Following speer s release from prison in 1966, fest worked closely with him as the editor of his memoirs, inside the third reich and. Apr 26, 20 albert speers career is a microcosm of the decent but philosophically agnostic citizen living in an indecent and ideologically fanatical society. The candor and lies of nazi officer albert speer the minister of armaments was happy to tell his captors about the war machine he had built. The final verdict french hardcover 1999 by joachim fest author 4. The final verdict published 2001 by weidenfeld and nicolson joachim fest, translated by ewald osers and alexandra dring once again joachim fest has impressed me greatly and i now look forward to reading his book about hitler. First printing, near fine in like jacket that shows some rubbing and some mild scratches.
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